
The Structures and Materials Testing Laboratory is a facility accredited in compliance with the Italian Act 1086 dated Nov 5, 1971, and is therefore authorized to issue official test reports, also available in the English language.

Besides standard tests on steel and concrete samples, special tests on other materials (such as timber panels or plywood) can be requested. Moreover, full-scale tests that need the application of heavy loads by electro-hydraulic actuators are among the services offered by the Laboratory.

To request a test, please fill in the appropriate request form. You can download the form from this page. For more information, please contact the Laboratory at:

      tel. +39 0461 282560

      tel. +39 0461 282577

      tel. +39 0461 282569

      e-mail:, for standard tests;

      e-mail:; for complex tests;

How to request a test

To request a test, please fill in the appropriate request form, downloaded from this page (below), and send it to the laboratory with the specimens.

In more detail:

        • For standard concrete tests, please use form “Richiesta CubettiCLS”;
        • For steel samples, please use the form “Richiesta ferri per c.a.”;

        • For non standard tests such as proof tests, please use form “Richiesta Prove Generiche”.

For more information, please contact the Laboratory.

How to file a request form

The request form should be filled in completely, in clear capital letters, except for the Certificate Number which will be assigned by the Laboratory. For official tests, complying with Act 1086/71, the Construction Manager (‘Direttore dei Lavori’) in charge must fill in the form.

Please make sure you supply and verify the fiscal information required to issue the invoice.

Specimen size

The minimum length of steel rebar samples is 50 cm, although specimens longer than 100 cm are preferable (the recommended length is 105 cm).

Form delivery

Form and specimens can be handed to the Laboratory from 08.00 to 12.00 hrs, Monday to Friday, or you can send them by post or courier.


When you send us specimens and a request form, we will send you an official quotation for the tests, with a Certificate Number.

You can pay by bank transfer on receipt of the quotation for the tests.

Please mention in the transfer: “Laboratorio Prove Materiali e Strutture – Certificate Number …”

The Test Certificate and the Invoice are issued after receipt of payment.

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  Richiesta Cubetti-rev.4 31102023 » 422 bytes - 229 hits - October 26, 2023
  Richiesta Fe per c.a.-rev.4 31102023 » 443 bytes - 159 hits - October 26, 2023
  Richiesta Prove Generiche-rev.4 31102023 » 384 bytes - 144 hits - October 26, 2023


  Richiesta Cubetti-rev.4 31102023 » 424 bytes - 207 hits - October 26, 2023
  Richiesta Fe per c.a.-rev.4 31102023 » 439 bytes - 159 hits - October 26, 2023
  Richiesta Prove Generiche-rev.4 31102023 » 401 bytes - 135 hits - October 26, 2023